Tasks You Can Delegate to a General Virtual Assistant

General Virtual Assistant Tasks and Duties to delegate

If you have already entered the world of outsourcing or you are thinking about hiring a virtual assistant for your business, it is likely that you still have doubts about what kind of tasks you can delegate to this remote professional you have hired or want to hire. It is for this reason that on this occasion we want to teach you the most important general virtual assistant tasks and duties to delegate.

Entrepreneurs who are trying to do everything themselves are often the ones who struggle to grow their business. They suffer from what is known as Superhero Syndrome and end up sacrificing their health, time, and quality of life.

The key to success is leveraging your time by delegating tasks to a talented team, rather than trying to do it all alone. The challenge lies in knowing which tasks to outsource, and this is where a good General VA can help.

A General VA can take care of various administrative tasks, leaving you with more time to focus on your business.

What is a General Virtual Assistant

A general virtual assistant (GVA) is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative support and services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office. GVAs typically have a wide range of skills and experience, and can perform a variety of tasks, including.

A General VA can be a valuable asset to any entrepreneur

Outsourcing is crucial for entrepreneurs who want to save time and grow their business. GVAs can be a valuable asset to businesses of all sizes. They can help to free up time for employees, performing routine tasks, so that they can focus on more strategic tasks, and they can also provide a cost-effective way to outsource administrative tasks.

It is essential to communicate clearly with your General VA, delegate tasks appropriately, and enjoy the benefits of time-saving tips for virtual assistants.

Task to delegate to general virtual assistants

As mentioned above, GVA’s provide administrative support for small business owners and entrepreneurs helping with repetitive and routine tasks.

Below I will show you a number of the most common categories of tasks that you can delegate to a general virtual assistant.

Administrative Tasks

Between the administrative duties you can delegate to a virtual assistant are:

  • Bookkeeping: A GVA can enter data of your financial records into an application to keep them in order.
  • Communicating with other team members when you are not present and communicating with others on a regular basis.
  • Searching for potential candidates to join your team, such as creatives, writers, or graphic artists.

Email Management

  • Managing the Email Marketing Strategy: Planing and creating emails campaigns that get delivered to your subscribers via different platforms such as Aweber and MailChimp.
  • Email management: inbox management, filtering, and answering emails including setting up autoresponders.
  • Follow up with clients and customers by sending thank you emails and other reminders.

Managing calendars and organizing files

  • Calendar management and Scheduling meetings:
  • Book appointments with clients: a task that most entrepreneurs often overlook but is crucial to their success.
  • File management: including using Dropbox to organize your files.
  • Data Entry: Building a customer database, adding new customers to your CRM, managing email lists, and managing other customer contacts.

Personal tasks

  • Transcription of voicemails, videos, audio, and podcasts.
  • Using meeting minutes to take notes and track action items.
  • Preparing basic reports showing your tasks, what you delivered, and what you did, etc.
  • Preparing PowerPoint presentations or showings.
  • Performing personal errands online, such as purchasing gifts for family and friends

Travel Arrangements

  • Booking flights and hotels: GVAs can help you book flights and hotels for business travel. They can also help you find the best deals and make sure that your travel arrangements are aligned with your company’s policies.
  • Arranging transportation: GVAs can help you arrange transportation for business travel, such as rental cars, taxis, and airport transfers.
  • Planning itineraries: GVAs can help you plan itineraries for business travel, including making reservations for restaurants, attractions, and events.
  • Organizing paperwork: GVAs can help you organize paperwork related to business travel, such as travel visas, passport copies, and expense reports.
  • Communicating with clients and colleagues: GVAs can help you communicate with clients and colleagues while you are traveling. They can answer emails, make phone calls, and send messages on your behalf, specially if your travel frequently.
  • Keeping you updated on travel conditions: GVAs can keep you updated on travel conditions, such as flight delays, cancellations, and weather advisories.
  • Providing support: GVAs can provide support while you are traveling, such as troubleshooting problems, making changes to your itinerary, and handling unexpected events.

Social Media Management, Content Creation and Copywriting

This category include a and other creative tasks are among the tasks in the following category.

  • Create and schedule social media posts. Use social media management tools to create and schedule posts for your business across multiple platforms. This can save you a lot of time and ensure that your social media presence is consistent.
  • Engage with followers. Respond to comments and questions from your followers, as well as participate in conversations and polls. This helps to build relationships with your audience and keep them engaged.
  • Track social media analytics. Use social media analytics to track the performance of your posts and campaigns. This information can help you to improve your social media strategy and get better results.
  • Research social media trends. Stay up-to-date on the latest social media trends and best practices. This information can help you to create and share content that is relevant to your audience and that will help you to reach your business goals.
  • Manage social media advertising. Create and manage social media advertising campaigns for your business. This can help you to reach a wider audience and generate more leads and sales.
  • Graphic design: creation of graphic pieces with quality content for your communities in social networks.
  • Content writing: Blog posts a great way to share information about your business, products, or services with your target audience. A GVA can write blog posts on a variety of topics, including industry trends, customer testimonials, and product reviews.
  • Create and edit website content. Your website is often the first impression that potential customers have of your business, so it’s important to make sure that the content is well-written and informative. A GVA can create and edit website content, such as product descriptions, service pages, and case studies.
  • Proofread and edit content. It’s important to proofread and edit all written content before it is published. A GVA can proofread and edit content for grammar, spelling, and clarity.
  • Video editing: Currently, content in video format such as Instagram Reels or Tik Tok videos have gained greater popularity among audiences on social networks. A GVA will help you create valuable content in video format to connect with your audiences.

Customer Support Via Phone, Chat, and Email

  • Customer support via phone, email, text, or chat
  • Filtering all the comments that people have posted on your blog and replying.
  • Responding to support tickets using Zendesk.
  • Commenting on other blogs to increase the number of people linking to your website.
  • Participating in discussion boards and message boards to get more clients.
  • Reception duties such as sending occasional calls.

Understand your virtual assistants work to grow your business

It is important to note that not every General VA can handle all of these tasks. Some VA’s may need basic training, patience and guidance from their virtual bosses. Therefore, it is crucial to realize not everyone will be perfect at handling of these admin tasks, to communicate well with your General VA and to delegate tasks that they are capable of handling. By delegating these tasks, you can focus on growing your business and achieving your goals.

If want learn more about all the benefits of hire a Virtual Assistant, you can read our previous blog about 8 benefits of hiring a virtual assistant for your business.


In conclusion, a general virtual assistant (GVA) can be a valuable asset to any entrepreneur. They can help to free up time for employees, performing routine tasks, so that they can focus on more strategic tasks, and they can also provide a cost-effective way to outsource administrative tasks. It is essential to communicate clearly with your GVA, delegate tasks appropriately, and enjoy the benefits of time-saving tips for virtual assistants.

FAQ on General Virtual Assistant taks

How to hire a General Virtual Assistant

There are several ways to hire the best VA for your business. For example, you can do it independently, publishing a job posting on employment platforms, press releases or social networks. You can also do it through freelance platforms.

However, the recommended way to do it is through virtual assistant companies such as ProtopVA, who will take care of the search process, selection of candidates, interviewing and hiring.

This way, you will avoid to spend hours looking for candidates and you will have the certainty that the company will have selected the best remote professional, according to your business needs.

What is the difference between general virtual assistant and virtual assistant?

A general virtual assistant (GVA) is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office. A virtual assistant (VA), on the other hand, can offer a wider range of services, including administrative, creative, technical, or specialized tasks.

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